Friday, May 2, 2008

Only One More Day!

Greetings friends on my next to last day in Greece. A fantastic trip comes to an end when I take off tomorrow from Venizelos International Airport. My final day in Athens will include a trip to the top of Lybabetus Hill and the best views of Athenss and a concert and the fabulous Megaron Mousikes. I have lots of pictures and things to say and I will post them when I return to the Stakes. Yesterday I took my seconc journey into the Peloponnese and if was more beautiful than I ever expected. Not as green as Macedonia, but close! The new town of Epidauros is a very pretty spot on the Aegean Sea. I got oh-so-close to my first visit to the great nearby theater, but by cousin had to rush to the coast to see his new girlfriend. As a good cousin, I postponed my visit to the theater to another trip to Greece.