Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Dean is back

I have been back for ten days. Its great to see friends and family again, but after a fantastic trip, you want to live in your dreams and memories for a while. As with a girlfriend who let you go....

I will post losts of pictures periodically. Friends who want a cd I will burn with all 1200 photos just have to ask (not too chaotic or haphazard, they are in folders).

First thoughts upon returning: Obama will be the next president of the United States--but he should not pick Hilary for VP. Not because she is not worthy but because she does not add anything to the ticket--their positions are virtually identical and their negatives reinforce each other. You nkow my choice already: Colin Powell for VP. Bipartisanship baby--its the new patriotism.

The Yankees have some serious problems but the new stadium looks great