Thursday, October 1, 2009

Dean is Back and is writing all the time - Today on Obama and Helathcare Reform

Greetings friends, its been a long time! I hope everyone had a good summer and that the new season is a good one for you. Kalo Mina! - "Happy New Month" to my Greek friends.
A lot has happened these many months. I have a new full-time job: Assistant Managing Editor of The National Herald, the english edition of the largest Greek American newspaper in the United States. In addition to my management responsibilities, I write articles and editorials about things of interest to the Greek American community, but since that includes covering cultural matters, my non-Greek friends might enjoy reading them, so I will try to post everything that the paper publishes, including articles from other sources on an assortment of topics.
Politically, I believe President Obama's first months have gone as well as could have been expected. We'll see if his healthcare plans will survive the expected onslaught. I believe he was prepared for it and that he always planned for a second round - next year or in 2011 after the hoped-for economic upturn enables him to seek a renewed mandate in general and on his healthcare reforms. The massive government spending of the economic stimulus package - which was absolutely necessary and which I believe did keep the world economy from going over a cliff - is too scary for most people to want to add healthcare reform costs now, necessary thought they might be for real savings in the future.
I believe he told Congressional Democrats to come up with the best plan they can now and see what the "Health Industry" does to it. Once the general population grasps the greedy, vicious and dishonest nature of the attacks, and once the economy improves, they will be more open to a revised plan. Anyway, thats what Dean would have done, but he's not sitting in the White House, thought he does love his office in Long Island City.